Study in a professional environment

Bachelor's degree in International Business, Purchasing & Sales


Our bachelor aims to prepare students for a prominent and innovative place in the society of international economics.

It teaches students international marketing methods, analysis and drawing of economics strategies and how

communicate on a customer, company and global level.

Subjects you will study in this Bachelor



Students will develop their skills in written and oral English in a
professional context. The aim is clearly to attain a higher level based on the Common
European Famework of References for Languages.


Learn about the process of planning, implementing and controlling procedures for the efficient and effective transportation and storage of goods.

International Finance

Study of monetary interactions between two or more countries.

You will focus on areas such as foreign direct investment and currency exchange rates.

Work placement

You will be integrated into a company or organization during a 3 month period. And you will have the opportunity to put the knowledge and skills acquired into practice in a professional environment.

Marketing & E-commerce

Learn how to manage an International marketing project.

from strategy to processes for creating,
communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

Business Law

The Program of Study in Business Law prepares students for a
variety of practice areas, including business transactions, commercial litigation,
tax, nonprofit law, and more.

International Accounting

Understand the differences between cash accounting and accrual accounting. Understand the core logics of accounting. Establish simple balance sheet and income statement in an international format Register basic operations


Learn how to coordinate and manage tasks  and a team in order to achieve a goal.
Such administration activities include setting the organization’s strategy and
coordinating the efforts of staff to accomplish these objectives through the
application of available resources.

Collaborate with companies

Project work

As a group work you will work about 50 hours for a company or a public organization in order to complete a real task. 
This project will take place from January and March and is going to be a first step into the real international business world ! 

Do you want examples ? Managed by their International Marketing teacher, one group of student updated this website. 

Another group of students produced an international benchmark for a startup planning to launch a new online software :

You can also find hereafter a video realized by our student in order to promote Arenberg creative mine, an incredible place that you will probably visit or use during your Bachelor ! 


3 months Internship

In order to validate what you have learned in class and during your project work, you will finish your academic year with a three months Internship. The bachelor’s team will be at your side (if you need it) in order to find the perfect company and mission for you !

You will be able to chose a company of your choice and the typoe of mission of your choice. Also, your Internship can be in France or abroad.


Real tasks, as a professional


Work for a real company or institution


With your teachers as a backup

Get started today!

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