Becoming friends with the other International students is practically a build in
process. Everyone is new in Valenciennes and at the University so you all are
going through the same experience. Try to get to know each other when
hanging out at the organized outings by ESN or the International office or try
to organize something by yourself! Spending time to get to know each other is
easier in a big group, once you find the people you vibe with try to hang out in
smaller groups!

Most people are very curious about your origin and background, if you’re
worried about your language skills, maybe try to learn some words to talk
about your culture. In general no one speaks fluent frech upon arrival in
France, we’re all here to improve and same goes for English! Don’t worry
about making mistakes, fact is most people will understand you and you will
improve immensely in both languages. It’s all about making an effort!